
TWENTY MONTHS OF TRAVEL: 1/2005 - 8/2006

the boy

Blogs We Are Reading

  • Gawker
    We [heart] NY media gossip. My hourly addiction, especially the snarky commentary.
  • The Standing Room
    I wish M. C- had been my music teacher in college. Erudite, classy, and a great friend. He writes about singing, new music, and, to a lesser degree, the travails of parking in San Francisco.
  • Dave
    Follow the peripatetic adventures of this Renaissance man. Part Spam Killer, part comic, part French teacher, part math student - 100% genius.
  • Keitai Goddess
    As Wallace (Gromit's partner, if you must know) would say, "mobile phone pictures are her speci-ality." A great slice of expat life in Tokyo.
  • Fugly
    Fearless critics of mis-directed celebrity fashion.
  • MichaelPanda
    Mistar Panda's hilarious misadventures in the land of the white flag with the big red dot in the middle. Is he Stan's long lost cousin, living and working in Japan?
  • RexWordPuzzle
    New York Times crossword puzzle , great commentary. His love of arcana is as big as mine. And, now you know. I'm a crossword addict.
  • Threads of Gold
    Now a Master...er...Mistress of the Universe, she reports back on her adventures in Adelaide and her connections to Japan.
  • F- You, Penguin
    Snarkfest centered around cute animal pictures, I haven't laughed this hard in a LOOOOONG time. I specially love the Axolotl entry.


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